Horst Willenberg
Essen und Bielefeld
* 1954
Künstlerisch tätig seit 1968
Zur Postkartengalerie
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Der Vollständigkeit halber

wird mitgeteilt, dass nicht alle

Informationen vollständig sein können.



Do You fathom what a wonderful work of art You are?

Having created Yourself, You are Artist and Artwork at once, through You and in Yourself. 

Seeing not only the ants and the stars, You can feel the Barbarian within You and yearn for Utopia. You are not the Crown of Creation, but the Sprout of Self-Awareness - able to rudimentarily explain the world, and invent it in Your Spirit. Strive for Heights, but want not to forego hearing the pumping of Your blood. Dream of, even experience, sexual love, but need Your whole intellect to renounce ever form of sexual violence. Hope, that the world could be made better with the stroke of a feather, but know that the most honed sentence is only a dull broadsword against the scalpel of a well-thought-through Act. And now - Human? As it dawns upon You, that only the decision that leads to action, makes any sense? Do You want to stay in this step between Beast and Being of Light, or grow, to encompass both? Human, it is not trivial what choice You make - but Act!"


Bielefeld, 1.4.2017 / 23.10.2018 - Autor: Horst Willenberg / translated by: Leo Willenberg